四海國際集團有限公司,簡稱四海國際集團,以及四海國際(英語:Cosmopolitan International Holdings Limited,港交所:0120),由1991年透過四海地產證券有限公司成立,並在香港交易所主板上市。於二零一三年九月十六日,本公司已成為P&R Holdings之上市附屬公司,Paliburg Holdings Limited百利保控股有限公司(「百利保」)及Regal Hotels Internetional Holdings Ltd.之上市附屬公司。自此,本集團之主要經營業務包括物業發展及投資(現時專注於在中華人民共和國進行),以及金融資產及其他投資。
Mr. LO Yuk Sui
aged 79; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer — Appointed to the Board as an Executive Director in 2013. Mr. Lo also acts as the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of the Company since 2013. He has been the managing director and chairman of the respective predecessor listed companies of Century City International Holdings Limited (“CCIHL”) (the ultimate listed holding company of the Company), Paliburg Holdings Limited (“PHL”) (the immediate listed holding company of the Company) and Regal Hotels International Holdings Limited (“RHIHL”) (a listed subsidiary of CCIHL and PHL and a listed fellow subsidiary of the Company) since 1980s. He is also an executive director, the chairman and the chief executive officer of CCIHL, PHL and RHIHL and a non-executive director and the chairman of Regal Portfolio Management Limited (“RPML”), the manager of Regal Real Estate Investment Trust (the listed subsidiary of RHIHL). Mr. Lo is a qualified architect. In his capacity as the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Lo oversees the overall policy and decision making of the Group. Mr. Lo is the father of Mr. Jimmy Lo Chun To and Miss Lo Po Man. (Information extracted from 2023 Annual Report)
Mr. Jimmy LO Chun To
aged 50; Vice Chairman and Managing Director — Appointed to the Board as an Executive Director in 2013. Mr. Jimmy Lo also acts as a Vice Chairman and the Managing Director of the Company since 2013. He is also an executive director and a vice chairman of CCIHL, an executive director, the vice chairman and the managing director of PHL, an executive director of RHIHL and a non-executive director of RPML. Mr. Lo graduated from Cornell University, New York, the United States, with a Degree in Architecture. Mr. Lo joined the Century City Group in 1998. He is primarily involved in overseeing the property projects of the Group in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) and, in addition, undertakes responsibilities in the business development of the Century City Group. Mr. Lo is the son of Mr. Lo Yuk Sui and the brother of Miss Lo Po Man. (Information extracted from 2023 Annual Report)
Miss LO Po Man
aged 44; Vice Chairman and Executive Director — Appointed to the Board as an Executive Director in 2013. Miss Lo also acts as a Vice Chairman of the Company since 2013. She is also an executive director and a vice chairman of CCIHL, an executive director of PHL, an executive director, a vice chairman and the managing director of RHIHL, and a non-executive director and the vice chairman of RPML. Miss Lo graduated from Duke University, North Carolina, the United States, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. Miss Lo joined the RHIHL Group in 2000 and is an experienced executive in sales and marketing and corporate management. She oversees the sales and marketing function of the RHIHL Group and also undertakes responsibilities in the business development of the Century City Group. Miss Lo is the daughter of Mr. Lo Yuk Sui and the sister of Mr. Jimmy Lo Chun To. (Information extracted from 2023 Annual Report)
Mr. Kenneth WONG Po Man
aged 58; Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer — Appointed to the Board in 2010 as a Non-Executive Director and re-designated as an Executive Director and the Chief Operating Officer in 2013. Mr. Kenneth Wong is also an executive director of PHL. Mr. Wong graduated from The University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Architectural Studies and a Bachelor’s Degree of Architecture. He also holds a Master of Science Degree in Real Estates from The University of Hong Kong. He is a qualified architect and has over 32 years of experience in architectural design and project management in respect of property development projects. He is also a Technical Director of an engineering company which is registered under the Buildings Ordinance of Hong Kong. (Information extracted from 2023 Annual Report)
Mr. Kelvin LEUNG So Po
aged 51; Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer — Appointed to the Board in 2008 as a Non-Executive Director and re-designated as an Executive Director and the Chief Financial Officer in 2013. Mr. Kelvin Leung is also an executive director of CCIHL, PHL and RHIHL. He has been with the Century City Group since 1997 and is involved in the corporate finance function as well as in the China business division of the Century City Group. Mr. Leung holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and a Master of Laws Degree in Chinese Business Law both from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He has over 28 years of experience in accounting and corporate finance field. (Information extracted from 2023 Annual Report)
Mr. Kenneth NG Kwai Kai
aged 69; Executive Director — Appointed to the Board in 2008 as a Non-Executive Director and re-designated as an Executive Director in 2013. Mr. Kenneth Ng is also an executive director and the chief operating officer of CCIHL, an executive director of PHL and RHIHL, and a non-executive director of RPML. He is in charge of the corporate finance, company secretarial and administrative functions of the Century City Group. Mr. Ng is a Chartered Secretary. (Information extracted from 2023 Annual Report)
Mr. Francis BONG Shu Ying, OBE, JP
aged 82; Independent Non-Executive Director — Appointed to the Board in 2006 as a Non-Executive Director and re-designated as an Independent Non-Executive Director in 2021. Mr. Francis Bong was a director of AECOM Technology Corporation, a company incorporated in the United States and listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Mr. Bong holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Engineering from The University of Hong Kong and is a former Chairman of the Hong Kong University Engineering Advisory Committee. He is a former president of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, a former president of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences and a fellow member of The Institution of Structural Engineers in the United Kingdom. (Information extracted from 2023 Annual Report)
Ms. Alice KAN Lai Kuen
aged 69; Independent Non-Executive Director — Invited to the Board as an Independent Non-Executive Director in 2013. Ms. Alice Kan is also an independent non-executive director of RHIHL. Ms. Kan is a shareholder and a director of BLS Capital Limited. She is a licensed responsible officer of BLS Capital Limited for asset management under the Securities and Futures Ordinance of Hong Kong. She has over 20 years of experience in corporate finance and is well experienced in both the equity and debt markets. She held various senior positions in international and local banks and financial institutions. Ms. Kan is a fellow member of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, a fellow member of the CPA Australia and an associate member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Ms. Kan is also an independent non-executive director of Jolimark Holdings Limited, a company listed on the main board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”). (Information extracted from 2023 Annual Report)
Mr. David LI Ka Fai, MH
aged 69; Independent Non-Executive Director — Invited to the Board as an Independent Non Executive Director in 2006. Mr. David Li is a fellow of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK. Mr. Li is an independent non-executive director, the chairman of the audit committee and a member of the remuneration committee and the nomination committee of China-Hongkong Photo Products Holdings Limited and Goldlion Holdings Limited, an independent non-executive director, the chairman of the audit committee and a member of the remuneration committee of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited, an independent non-executive director and a member of the audit committee and the remuneration committee of Continental Aerospace Technologies Holding Limited, an independent non executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of Shanghai Industrial Urban Development Group Limited and Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Holdings Limited, all of which companies are listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange. (Information extracted from 2023 Annual Report)
Mr. Abraham SHEK Lai Him, GBS, JP
aged 78; Independent Non-Executive Director — Invited to the Board as an Independent Non-Executive Director in 2013. Mr. Abraham Shek is also an independent non executive director of PHL and RPML. Mr. Shek holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Arts and a Juris Doctor Degree. Mr. Shek is an honorary member of the Court of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, a member of both of the Court and the Council of The University of Hong Kong, a member of the Court of City University of Hong Kong and a member of the Court of Hong Kong Metropolitan University. He was a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Mr. Shek is the honorary chairman, an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of Chuang’s China Investments Limited, an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of Chuang’s Consortium International Limited, the joint vice chairman, an independent non-executive director and a member of the audit committee of ITC Properties Group Limited, an independent non-executive director and a member of the audit committee of China Resources Building Materials Technology Holdings Limited (formerly known as China Resources Cement Holdings Limited), CSI Properties Limited, Everbright Grand China Assets Limited, Far East Consortium International Limited, Hao Tian International Construction Investment Group Limited, Shin Hwa World Limited and NWS Holdings Limited, and an independent non-executive director of Alliance International Education Leasing Holdings Limited and Lai Fung Holdings Limited, all of which companies are listed on the Stock Exchange. He is also an independent non-executive director and a member of the audit committee of Eagle Asset Management (CP) Limited, the manager of Champion Real Estate Investment Trust (which is listed on the Stock Exchange). (Information extracted from 2023 Annual Report)
編號 | 工作職能 | 職位 | 刊登日期 |
#A01 | -- | -- | 2014-11-03 |
香港銅鑼灣怡和街 68 號 12 樓
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